in our case I was trying to add 5 nodes to Vertica 10 nodes cluster.
while adding the new nodes we were facing some problems with the file system and we were forced to terminate the new machines.
we fixed the VM image and recreated the nodes in order to scale out Vertica cluster again.
during this process we were keep getting an errors message like:
"node x already exists" while running the add nodes command
(although we removed them from admintools.conf and from the cluster using:
/opt/vertica/sbin/install_vertica --remove-hosts)
we found out a solution that was very helpful in our case and is not documented well in Vertica documentation, (we were not able to find it there)
drop node command.
DROP NODE <node_name>;
probably leftovers of the first scale out run were stayed in the database metadata itself,
I guess that when we terminated the new nodes after the first try we didn't notice that one of the nodes were still part of the cluster
dbadmin=> select node_name from nodes; node_name -------------- v_vdb_node001 v_vdb_node002 v_vdb_node003 v_vdb_node004 v_vdb_node005 v_vdb_node006 v_vdb_node007 v_vdb_node008 v_vdb_node009 v_vdb_node010 v_vdb_node011
dbadmin=> drop node v_db_node0011; DROP NODEdbadmin=> select node_name from nodes; node_name -------------- v_vdb_node001 v_vdb_node002 v_vdb_node003 v_vdb_node004 v_vdb_node005 v_vdb_node006 v_vdb_node007 v_vdb_node008 v_vdb_node009 v_vdb_node010
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