After rebooting Vertica cluster I ran into this error in one of Vertica nodes startup.log: { "node" : "v_vdb_node0003", "stage" : "Database Halted", "text" : "@v_vdb_node0003: VX001/3381: Failed to install new catalog\n\tLOCATION: doInstallAndJoin, /scratch_a/release/svrtar3866/vbuild/vertica/Transaction/TransAPI.cpp:2886", "timestamp" : "2018-01-17 08:32:40.880" } after wondering what can go wrong and trying to start the node in force mode without any success... I saw this little message in Vertica.log file: 2018-01-17 08:30:23.210 Spread Client:0x9b39800 <ERROR> @v_vdb_node0003: {doInstallAndJoin} 42501/2812: Could not add location [/vertica_data2]: Permission denied then I realized that on this specific node we had another STORAGE LOCATION after remounting the /vertica_data2 file system and starting the node everything become normal :-)
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